People Caring For and About People

Steps to Qualify for 24 Hour Support in Utah
Step 1
Determine if the person has either an intellectual or developmental disability or an acquired brain injury.

In order to know if the person has one of these disabilities, it is important to define these terms:
Developmental Disabilities are characterized by difficulty with adaptive behaviors such as daily living skills, academics, handling routines or social situations, often (but not always) also with limitations in intellectual functioning. Medically, an intellectual disability describes someone who has a below-average intelligence quotient (IQ) and who needs support or assistance with activities of daily living. Intellectual and developmental disabilities include disorders that originate before 22 years of age, possibly resulting from physical or genetic causes such as cerebral palsy, autism, Down Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome, etc.
The term developmental disability encompasses people with intellectual disabilities but also includes other developmental and physical disabilities. The terms “intellectual disability” and “developmental disability” are often used interchangeably by providers and state caseworkers when discussing eligibility for services.
Acquired Brain Injury (often referred to as an ABI) refers to any type of brain damage that happens after birth. Causes of ABI include disease, blows to the head, alcohol and drug use, or oxygen deprivation.
You may also hear the term “traumatic brain injury” (or TBI). A TBI is just a subset of ABI. It is a brain injury that occurs from external forces such as falls, injuries, motor vehicle accidents, etc.

Developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries are NOT the same as mental illnesses or behavioral health disorders. The individual may have mental illnesses in addition to the developmental disability or brain injury but the developmental disability or acquired brain injury is the key requirement to getting services at Chrysalis.
Developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries are not the same as mental illnesses or behavioral health disorders. Mental illnesses include a wide range of disorders such as anxiety, depression, personality disorders, psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia), bi-polar disorder, etc. Behavioral health disorders include things like Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder.
While debilitating, and often requiring support and treatment, mental illnesses or behavioral health disorders are NOT the diagnoses that quality people for Chrysalis services. Chrysalis serves many people with these disorders, but only when they are co-occurring with a developmental disability or an acquired brain injury (ABI). Again, it is the developmental disability or acquired brain injury (ABI) that will make the person eligible for Chrysalis services. Once they are determined to be eligible we can help with both the developmental disability and the mental illness.
**If the person you are trying to support does not have a developmental disability or acquired brain injury but they do have mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder etc. scroll to the bottom of this page where we have included links to resources that may help.
Step 2
Confirm the eligible diagnosis and apply for services with the State of Utah Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD).
Chrysalis does not actually conduct the eligibility process. That is done by the government since the government ultimately provides funding and oversight for these services. In Utah, the government agency that provides this oversight is DSPD.
You can apply (or learn more about applying) by going to this website: https://dspd.utah.gov/intake-process/
The process can take several weeks to several months to complete. It is important to see the process through all the way to the end. Chrysalis (or any other developmental disability service provider) cannot help you until DSPD is involved.
If the person qualifies for DSPD services, you can move onto the next step. If the person does NOT qualify for DSPD services, unfortunately Chrysalis will not be an option to help the person. The person likely still needs some support. We recommend you review the resources listed at the bottom of this page. You might also consider contacting your health insurance provider for mental health resources.
In rare circumstances, people are interested in non-government-funded, private-pay options for Chrysalis services. We generally discourage this. The services are cost-prohibitive for most, and paying privately often inhibits one’s ability to access publicly funded services. If you would like to discuss this further, feel free to contact our Corporate Office at 801-655-4950.
Step 3
Get on the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) waiting list.
This is often the longest and most frustrating step. It is important to note that Chrysalis does not have a waiting list. The State of Utah has a lot of people who apply and are eligible for services. But, unfortunately, state funding for these services is limited, so there is a waiting list for funding.
There is no set time-frame for how long someone waits on the waiting list. The waiting list in Utah is a needs-based list. In other words, people with the highest assessed needs are given the funding first. Once the person has been determined eligible for DSPD services, a state intake worker will assess the individual's need. To find out more about how this works, go to this website: https://dspd.utah.gov/waiting-list/
It is our experience that regular communication with DSPD intake workers can be helpful. It is important to update DSPD any time there is a change to the person’s needs. Important changes to communicate to DSPD include, but are not limited to:
A loss, impairment, or change of a primary caregiver (parent, guardian, sibling, etc.)
Instability in the person’s living situation
Significant changes in the person’s health
Significant, intensified, or more frequent behavior problems
Any inpatient hospitalization or incarceration
Once the person is approved for funding, you can move to the next step.
Step 4
Choosing the right type of supports and service model for the person.
You may already know what kind of supports the person needs. But it is important to know the wide array of options available. Every person is unique, and so the way their services are delivered should be best suited to the person’s needs.
Most people in services will need a Support Coordinator. One of the Support Coordinator’s primary responsibilities is assist the person to select the most appropriate service delivery model based on the individual person’s needs and wishes. Click here to learn more about Support Coordination: https://dspd.utah.gov/services/support-coordination/.
*Note: Chrysalis does not provide Support Coordination.
When it comes to community based services, there are two primary service delivery models:
Services delivered by traditional, private provider agencies (like Chrysalis),
Self-Administered Services
To learn more about these service delivery models, go to this website: https://dspd.utah.gov/services/service-delivery/
Traditional, private provider agencies (like Chrysalis) provide a wide range of services including 24-hour residential, host homes, day and employment services, in-home supports, etc. Click here to learn more about Chrysalis' services or here (https://dspd.utah.gov/services/) to understand services from the State's perspective.
If the person chooses to receive services through a traditional, private provider agency, you can move to the next step.
Step 5
Choosing the service provider (like Chrysalis) and the service setting.
This step may seem obvious. You are on Chrysalis’ website, so you might already be considering Chrysalis as a service provider. We believe our services are excellent. We also believe it is important for you to consider all of your service provider options. Chrysalis is not the only provider of services in the state. There are many qualified providers providing these critical services.
It is important to be aware that some providers may be selective of who they decide to serve. Just as individuals served have choices among providers, providers are not required to serve any individual who seeks their services. This is to ensure that no one is ever placed in a situation where a provider does not believe they can safely or successfully provide supports for a person.
The provider you choose and the setting those services are provided in often go hand-in-hand. Here are some examples of what we mean by this:
Example #1: If the person wants services in a 24-hour shared residential setting, the provider helps the individuals secure the lease on the house, and coordinates details of the shared setting among all house mates. Therefore, choosing the house the person wants to be in, and the provider they want to help with the services are one-in-the-same. Usually, when a person is new to services, this involves choosing between houses where there might be an open (or vacant) bedroom. However, in some cases, the provider may open an additional home for this purpose.
Example #2: If the person wants site-based day services, the provider already has a site in the community where these services are provided. Therefore, choosing the day service site and the provider are one-in-the-same.
Example #3: If the person wants services in a host home, the professional host home family must contract with a provider to support and oversee that services are delivered in accordance with state rules. Therefore, choosing the host family involves selecting the provider that the host family is contracted with or selecting an organization who will then identify host home options for the person to consider.
Your Support Coordinator can help you identify your provider options. The most common way to do this is to have your Support Coordinator submit to DSPD a formal “Invitation to Submit Offer” (an ISO). An ISO is a brief document that is sent out by DSPD to all providers inviting them to respond if they are willing/able to provide services to the person. The ISO contains a brief description of the person’s support needs, what services they are seeking, and in what geographic area they want those supports. Providers respond with interest to the ISO and the Support Coordinator helps facilitate meetings and/or tours with the provider and the person seeking services. Choosing a provider via the ISO process is not required, but can be a helpful way to identify and evaluate all of your options.
Alternatively, you can simply reach out individually to a provider and seek meetings and/or tours with the provider directly. If you choose to contact Chrysalis for placement options, we would be happy to talk to you over the phone, via email, meet in person, or set up tour of service sites. The best person to speak with is the Area Director of the geographic region you live in. For Host Home inquires, contact the state-wide Host Home Director, Steven Wrigley. If you are unsure who to contact, call any of our offices; we will be happy to direct you to the right person. Or, send an email to iso@gochrysalis.com.
Other Resources to Consider
Below is a list of other resources that may be helpful as you seek to understand what help is available.
Utah Independent Living Center: offers a variety of information and services to assist people with disabilities to become more independent. https://uilc.org/en/
Dial 211 on your telephone to access information on available governmental services or visit https://211utah.org/
Workforce Services: help with job placement and vocational training for people with intellectual disabilities (including but not limited to Vocational Rehabilitation) https://jobs.utah.gov/
Utah Parent Center: a large resource of educational content and information for parents of children with all disabilities. https://utahparentcenter.org/
Utah NAMI for parents and individuals experiencing mental illness: https://www.namiut.org/
The Department of Health (particularly for ABI and health resources, but also ICFID’s and other resources).
If you or your family is in crisis please use these numbers to get immediate support:
1-833-SAFE-FAM for children and youth
1-800-273-8255 for adults.
The Medical Home Portal provides information for children who have or at increased risk for chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions. The Medical Home Portal has lots of information covering a wide array of topics that may be helpful in your journey. The Utah specific portal is located at https://ut.medicalhomeportal.org/. Their page devoted to caring for children with special needs is located at https://ut.medicalhomeportal.org/living-with-child.